Are women turning to cannabis for menopause symptom relief?

Hot flashes and sleep or mood changes are well-known, troublesome symptoms that may occur during perimenopause and menopause. Now, one survey suggests nearly 80% of midlife women use cannabis to ease certain symptoms, such as mood issues and trouble sleeping. Mounting numbers of US states have legalized marijuana for medical or recreational use in recent […]

Preventable liver disease is rising: What you eat — and avoid — counts

In today’s fast-paced world, our waking hours are filled with decisions — often surrounding what to eat. After a long day, dinner could well be fast food or takeout. While you may worry about the toll food choices take on your waistline or blood pressure, as a liver specialist, I also want to put fatty […]

Will miscarriage care remain available?

When you first learned the facts about pregnancy — from a parent, perhaps, or a friend — you probably didn’t learn that up to one in three ends in a miscarriage. What causes miscarriage? How is it treated? And why is appropriate health care for miscarriage under scrutiny — and in some parts of the […]

Is snuff really safer than smoking?

Snuff is a smokeless tobacco similar to chewing tobacco. It rarely makes headlines. But it certainly did when the FDA authorized a brand of snuff to market its products as having a major health advantage over cigarettes. Could this be true? Is it safe to use snuff? What did the FDA authorize as a health […]

Is alcohol and weight loss surgery a risky combination?

For people with obesity, weight-loss surgery can reverse or greatly improve many serious health issues, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and pain. But these procedures also change how the body metabolizes alcohol, leaving people more likely to develop an alcohol use disorder. A new study finds that one type of surgery, gastric bypass, may […]

Considering collagen drinks and supplements?

A tremendous buzz surrounds collagen drinks and supplements, as celebrities and influencers tout miraculous benefits for skin, hair, and nails. Since the collagen in our bodies provides crucial support for these tissues, it seems plausible that consuming collagen might lead to lush locks and a youthful glow. But what does the science say? What is […]

Safe, joyful movement for people of all weights

A simple word we all hear often — exercise — makes many people cringe. Unhappy childhood memories of school sports or gym classes, flat-out physical discomfort, guilty reluctance, or trouble finding time or pleasurable activities may help explain this. Additionally, for some people with obesity, fear of falling or injury is a high barrier to […]

Helping children who are neurodiverse build friendships

Making friends and finding social opportunities can sometimes be difficult, particularly for children with neurodevelopmental disabilities, such as autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or an intellectual disability. Here’s what parents can do to help. Building inclusive communities Friendships and social connections are an important aspect of our lives. They provide a sense of […]

Prostate cancer in transgender women

The transgender population is steadily increasing. Last year, investigators reported that 1.3% of people between the ages of 18 and 24 in the United States identify as transgender, compared to 0.55% of the country’s older adults. This trend has implications for public health, and one issue in particular concerns the risk of prostate cancer in […]

Curbing nearsightedness in children: Can outdoor time help?

Turns out that when your mother told you to stop sitting near the TV or you might need glasses, she was onto something. Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a growing problem worldwide. While a nearsighted child can see close objects clearly, more distant objects look blurry. Part of this growing problem, according to experts, is that […]